Training courses ramping up with Software Carpentry

13 May 2016

eResearch training courses have been ramping up with over 500 researchers trained by Intersect since the start of the year across campuses from our membership.

Software carpentry courses have been especially in high demand, with a lot of interest from researchers who attended the recent intensive 2-day workshop delivered by our Software Carpentry accredited trainer eRA Jared Berghold. 

Intersect is pleased to announce that we now have more Software Carpentry accredited trainers, to help researchers and higher degree research students (HDRs) start learning to code in the Python programming language, automate repetitive tasks using the Unix shell, and safely store their code and data under version control in Git. Be quick to book your courses, to avoid disappointment, as some courses get full very quickly. 

Also, we are proud to launch on 20th May our first eResearch training course: Excel for Researchers at La Trobe University, our new member in Victoria. This will be followed by more courses in June on: Regexes, Software Carpentry and the NeCTAR Research Cloud.   

Check our training schedule. 

So, watch out for courses at your university, contract your local eResearch Analyst or check the Intersect training website for course details. 

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